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setting up FMP website, going through what needs to be done and talked about where to go with the project. making a mind map as to what i want to do which is gonna be a circus scene mostly focused on inside of the tent and maybe a backstage area. including a few walking sim examples in my mind map . alongside the mind map i also created a little picture bored full of reference pictures of what the inside of circus tents look like when they host guests with everything set up.

working on my project proposal form and writing up a better concept for my game which i now have a basic storyline written. As well as writing up my pitch using PowerPoint also written up how i plan on doing my evaluations which just so happens to be mostly using this weekly blog as i feel like it will work best to record my thoughts on the same website I'm using for recording everything else that I'm doing a day and weekly basis.
I'm mostly doing research however i have created a form and shared it onto teams as well.

Today i will be pitching my game idea. I have been put in the afternoon group to pitch at the second to last place. Due to changes i was instead put to second place of the first group where i pitched my circus idea. feedback included giving the players character a gender which i sent with male as overall that is more popular, i was also told that i should do more research on my targeted audience and how i can achieve the art style i want to go with.
doing more researched i went into more depth into the research i already had on walking sims before going in and researching about circuses, how the modern circus came to be and animals in circuses as well as some research on sideshows and freakshows.

today after coming to class i found out about my lecturer having covid which meant he wasn't in to see the class, this meant that the plan was to carry out with research.

this week i have focused so far on pre production, this means I spoke about the dungeon scrawl layout I made, put the same layout into photoshop and labelled everything using a low opacity layer to add coloured sections throughout the diagram with everything colour coded and labelled I went on to make my GDD which I added to the practical skills portion of my website.

it is currently the Easter holiday and I am hoping through the feedback given and applying it to the work i have already done.

its been a few weeks now and i have been able to make and texture the majority of my props, now left with the tent untextured and i also need to find out how to get any of my characters into unreal  as 2d and then giving them dialogue so when playing the player has something to interact with.

i think i have finished the main modelling and texturing process now, i did make an extra prop , that being the juggling pin to fill in some more space and may potentially create more smaller assets that i can have spread around but i think for the art side im  pretty much set.

it is now the last week of my project and i think that i have managed to learn a decent amount about things like Maya and texturing in substance. my scene is finished and i now think that i only need to write out my evaluation and check over my website over the next 2 ish days.

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